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A spicy, sharp, warm, citrusy smell, cheerful and uplifting.

Ginger and Lime

Ginger is know as "the Oil of Empowerment" for the feeling of confidence that is is known to inspire. It comforts, energises the skin, body and mind. It can help with soothing and reducing feelings of stress, sadness, anxiety, lethargy, agitation, dizziness and fatigue. it is also considered as an aphrodisiac.

Lime is an oil that can help lift depression and lighten your mood when feeling blue. It is used to fight cellulite and to tone the skin in general. It is a disinfectant and detoxifier and helps clear congested skin.


A fresh smelling scent of Citrus, yet fruity and sweet with a warm spicy floral quality.

Bergamot and Neroli

Bergamot is great for creating a more relaxed and happy feeling. It also fights oily skin, acne, psoriasis, eczema as well as cold sores.

Neroli may help you wind down after a stressful day. It is also beneficial to the skin, especially mature, dry and sensitive skin. It has a relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms and has a wonderful rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, helping to prevent ugly scarring and fighting stretch marks.


A soft woody tone to its aroma.

Lavender and Cedarwood

Lavender is one of the most versatile of all essential oils. It is a great antibacterial. Its calming and sedative properties make it a wonderful oil to help relax, fight stress and promote sleep. It has so many beneficial uses: Acne, allergies, anxiety, asthma, athlete's foot, bruises, burns, chicken pox, colic, cuts, cystitis, depression, dermatitis, earache, flatulence, headache, hypertension, insect bites, insect repellent, itching, labour pains, migraines, oily skin, rheumatism, scabies, scars, sores, sprains, strains, stress, stretch marks, vertigo, whooping cough... 

Cedarwood is a grounding and calming oil. It is said to combat negativity. Making it a wonderful oil to use when faced with chaos, conflict, stress and grief.


A very cheerful, uplifting, warm and revitalising aroma with the haunting smell of wood and spices from the frankincense.

Sweet Orange and Frankincense

Sweet Orange is one of the most uplifting oils. It can be used effectively on the immune system, it helps to eliminate toxins from the body. It is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its lymphatic stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, detoxification, aiding the immune system and general well being.

Frankincense has wonderfully calming effect on the mind and helps to create inner peace, while helping to soothe rheumatism and muscular aches, while having a rejuvenating, balancing and healing action on the skin.

Our products are all natural and we only use the best essential oils and will never use fragrance oils. Our Epsom Salts are steeped in Olive oil for a lengthy time before being available to you. All our ingredients are gathered from The Soap Kitchen in Devon and our sachets are recyclable.  All our printing is done locally by (We also have an "essential oil free" blend especially for pregnancy or allergies.)

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